7. Troubleshooting
If the product fails to operate properly, use the following table to locate the cause and remedy.
Matter larger than the
specified filter grade passes
through the separator outlet
Outlet side steam or air
retains entrained condensate
The outlet pressure is too low
or the specified flow rate
cannot be achieved
Steam or air is leaking
between the body and
separator body
The filter grade is incorrect
The filter is broken
The flow rate is too high or
flow velocity is too fast for the
separator filter
The installation is incorrect
The pressure loss through the
filter is too large
The filter is clogged
There is gasket deterioration
or damage
The nut on the clamp is not
fully tightened
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Replace with a filter with the
correct grade
Replace with a new filter
Make corrections to the piping
to reduce flow rate and
Correct the installation
Clean the filter or replace with
Replace with a new gasket
Tighten the nut to the proper