Congratulations on your purchase of a Nikken Air Wellness™ Power5™ indoor air
system. The Nikken Power5 combines advanced, five-stage air filtration with negative-
ion generation and aromatherapy technology.
The Power5 includes the Nikken Clean HEPA System, with a HEPA filter — the
world-standard technology used in laboratories. Patent-pending nanotechnology
produces a filter with ionized copper reduced to nano size — one-billionth
(1/1,000,000,000 or 10
technology that requires no ultraviolet source.
In all, the five stages of filtration reduce a wide range of air contaminants including
dust, pet dander, pollen, odors, and the chemical vapors that may be produced by
carpeting, furniture and cleaning
agents. Only the Nikken Power5
uses all of these filtration methods
to create clean indoor air without
creating emission byproducts.
The Power5 features clean ion
generation, another proprietary
technology. Only Nikken has clean
ion generation, which produces
negative ions without
creating ozone.
And only the Power5 adds a
selectable aromatherapy system.
Practiced for centuries all over the
world, aromatherapy is a natural,
non-invasive means of promoting
wellness through relaxation and
stress reduction.
Patent-pending advanced
technology — five-stage filtration
— HEPA air purity — negative-ion
generation — ozone-free operation
— aromatherapy — and more. The
Nikken Power5 offers all these
features in one product. Now you
can start enjoying the air in your
home with every breath, every day.
) meter. Nikken also has the only photocatalytic filter