Serial Address (Dlogser000 Kit Only); Winlog; Main Window; Menù Bar - Carel RS232 Manuel D'utilisation

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3.3 Serial address (DLOGSER000 kit only)

This is one of the variable parameters of the Datalogger and must not be mistaken for the serial number of
the Datalogger itself. It can range from 0 to 255 and uniquely recognises the Datalogger in serial
communications. It is important if several Dataloggers are connected in a network.
To perform a direct DownLoad of a single Datalogger, it is sufficient to set the serial address in the WinLog
software and start the data transfer.
The above also applies if the Datalogger is part of a network of several Dataloggers. In this case, however, it
is absolutely necessary to avoid using serial address 0, as this acts as a "wildcard" and will cause the
simultaneous downloading of all Dataloggers connected to the network.

3.4 WinLog

Main window

After the presentation window, the main window appears, which contains the menu bar, the toolbar and the
status bar (Fig. 10). These contain all commands and information required for the supervisor functions and
the display and analysis of the data contained in the DownLoad files.
Menu bar
The description of the main menus follows a logical order rather than the order in which the menus
themselves are displayed.
• Data transfer menu (used only with the DLOGSER000 kit): implies that a connection between the PC and
the Datalogger has been made. It contains the starting commands for the DownLoad and the upgrade.
- DownLoad: used to start the data transfer from the Datalogger to the PC. Please remember that the
DownLoad can also be started from the keypad of the Datalogger using the sequence of keys specified in
the relevant instructions. Two options are available:
1. All data: a DownLoad of all the data existing in the Datalogger is made. Before starting the DownLoad,
WinLog will require the name of the file in which the data is to be saved. The default name is
DLxxxxxx.dwl, with the serial number of the Datalogger being the variable.
2. Since prev. DownLoad: a DownLoad is made of the data recorded by the Datalogger since the previous
DownLoad. The program prompts for the name of the file containing all the other data from the same
Datalogger, so as to update it with the data of the DownLoad to be carried out. The default name of the
file suggested is always DLxxxxxx.dwl, with the serial number being the variable. If the name of the file
being selected does not exist, it will be created, and will contain only the data recorded since the
previous DownLoad.
- Upgrade: WinLog stores the latest version of the application program contained in the Datalogger; which
is updated at the date of compilation of WinLog. If the version existing in the Datalogger connected to the
PC is a preceding version, by choosing this submenu of WinLog, the code is transferred to the
Datalogger, thus upgrading its software. If, on the contrary, the version in the Datalogger is subsequent,
this submenu is not active. The transfer operation lasts around 40 seconds. If during this brief operation
mains supply is interrupted, the transfer of the software will not be complete. To restore normal machine
operations, please contact the Carel Service department. The data stored in the instrument up to that
moment will not however be lost.
• Supervisor menu (used only with the DLOGSER000 kit): implies that a connection between the PC and
the Datalogger has been made. It allows the three windows containing the configuration, the parameters
and the run-time data of the connected Datalogger to be displayed.
- Configuration window: displays the date of compilation of the application program of the connected
Datalogger, the version of the software (version which will be modified after an upgrade), the serial number
of the Datalogger and the relevant model (2N = 2 channels, 4N = 4 channels).
- Parameter window: displays all the parameters that can be modified by the Datalogger and enables them to be
modified. If one of them is modified using the keypad of the Datalogger, its value will also be updated by
WinLog (with an echo of about 2 seconds). Conversely, by inserting the same password used in the Datalogger, it
is possible to make modifications from the program with the changes being transmitted to the Datalogger.
- Run-time window: simultaneously displays all the data displayed by the Datalogger. These are: the
temperatures measured by the configured probes (as well as the messages Err+ when the probe is short-circuited,
Err- when it is disconnected and " - - - - " when it is not configured), the status of the configured digital inputs
and outputs, the date and time and the status of the alarms. The alarm messages are described as follows.
Alarm status:
indicates that no alarm condition is present;
Pre Alarm
indicates that there is an alarm condition, but the delay time set for alarm activation has not
yet elapsed (this applies only to the probe error alarms, the probe alarms and the port alarms);
Fig. 10
indicates that the alarm is active (and therefore the buzzer of the Datalogger is activated and
the red alarm LED is ON);
indicates that the alarm has been detected and identified by the operator, that is it corresponds
to the state in which the red LED on the Datalogger is flashing (this applies only to the probe
error alarms, the probe alarms and the port alarms);


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