1.6 Marking
The machine safety sensors are marked with an adhesive label in
accordance with RL 2014/34/EU (ATEX). Apart from the manufac-
turer's full address, other information is shown on the label is:
Meaning of markings:
II 2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Gb
II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T5/T6 Ga/Gb
II 1G Ex ia IIB / IIC T5/T6 Ga
II 2G Ex mb IIC T5/T6 Gb
II 1D Ex ia IIIC IP68 T105°C Da
II 2D Ex ib IIIC IP68 T105°C Db
II 2D Ex mb IIIC IP68 T105°C Db
BVS 03 ATEX ****
F-No. ****
CE *****
Note The intrinsically safe machine safety sensors are identified
by a blue connecting cable or are marked by blue heat
shrink tubing every 50 cm along the length of the cable.
Note Serial number and year of manufacturing are encoded in
the manufacturing number (calendar week/year, alterna-
tive: production code).
* Approval authority identifi-
cation number
* Manufacturing number
* CE marking and identifica-
tion number of the notified
body for the QA EC surveil-
Note about special condi-
tions for the safe use of the
device in the Prototype
Inspection Certificate
(Operating Instructions)
Date: 20.04.2016