installation- atom 4.0
The Blackburn Atom 4.0 receives speed and distance from a fork-mounted wireless transmitter.
inStAlling tHe wireleSS Fork trAnSmitter
The sensor should be mounted as high on the fork blade as possible. The range of the transmitter is
approximately 18in (46cm).
1. Losely attach the front wheel sensor and rubber mounting pad to the front of the left fork blade
using the zip-ties provided so the battery cap is pointing to the wheel. Do not fully tighten.
2. Attach the spoke magnet to a spoke on the same side of the wheel as the sensor.
3. Adjust the positions of sensor and magnet so the magnet passes 1-3 mm from the sensor aligned
with the molded plastic ridge on the sensor.
4. Once everything is in alignment, tighten the spoke magnet in place and tighten the zip-ties holding
the sensor to the fork.
5. Attach the wireless mounting bracket to the handle bars or stem.
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