For warranty service
Claims under this warranty must be made through the dealer where the vehicle or the Fallbrook component was
purchased, or an authorized NuVinci dealer. Please return the Fallbrook component to the dealer together with the
original, dated invoice or receipt. The dealer will contact Fallbrook customer service to handle your warranty claim.
Dealers requesting a warranty claim should contact Fallbrook customer service to obtain a Warranty Return
Authorization. The dealer will then need to return the product to Fallbrook together with satisfactory proof of the
date of purchase. Fallbrook reserves the right to revise this limited warranty without notice, other than the duration
of the warranty period, and such revision shall become effective as of the effective date indicated on the revised
warranty statement available from Fallbrook's website (
Dealers in the U.S.A. and outside of Europe requesting warranty claims should contact:
Fallbrook Customer Service
1-888-NuVinci (688-4624)
Tel: +1(512) 279-6200 (Outside U.S.A.)
Fax: +1(512) 267-0159
Dealers in Europe requesting warranty claims should contact:
Fallbrook Europe
Customer Service
+31 (0)55-5994 449