P - Valve on flushing fluid container input
G - Hook
CF - Flushing fluid container
TCF - Flushing fluid container plug
T2 - Connecting hose fluid container - system tthat needs flushing
V2 - Ball vale on T2 hose
CU - Cone for universal connection
MR - Clamp
SL - System that needs flushing
CL - PVC collector
TS - Can for flushing fluid discharge
VS - Safety valve 15 bar
MI – Gauge on flushing fluid container
Make sure that the flushing fluid does not come into contact with skin and eyes.
Wear glowes and goggles
- Unscrew the TCF plug on the fluid container
- Fill in about 1/2 liter of FF1 fluid
- Re-screw on the TCF plug
- Connect the T2 hose to the system that needs flushing by means of the CU universal connection cone and of the MR clamp
- Tighten the MR clamp
- Introduce the other end of the system that needs flushing inside the CL discharge collector on the belt side
- Tighten the belt
- Introduce the other side of the CL collector inside the TS discharge can.
- Position the TS can so that it is lower than the circuit to be flushed and the flushing set
- Connect dry air or nitrogen at a pressure of about 6÷7 bar to the P valve
- Open the P valve on the CF container input until all the FF1 fluid inside the CF container has been discharged into the TS
can (discharge of nitrogen or dry air but not of liquid!!!)
- Repeat again the procedure of filling FF1 fluid inside the CF container and let the fluid FF1 flow inside the system that
needs flushing in the opposite direction.
- Repeat the flushing procedures in both directions until visibly clean fluid is discharged into the TS can
- After being discharged in the can and when clean, the fluid can be reused for other flushing
Do not pollute environment wasting the flushing fluid; it is a special waste and must be disposed of according to the
regulations in force.
After having flushed a system, perform a vacuum cycle for at least 30 minutes.
!!! WARNING !!!
!!! WARNING !!!