Never use any harsh cleansers or solvents on your radio. Avoid spray-on waxes. Unplug the Model
One radio prior to cleaning. The face may be cleaned with a slightly damp, soft cloth. Painting or
staining the wood cabinet will void your warranty.
NOTE: Tivoli Audio cabinets use real wood veneers. Since natural wood varies greatly, it is not
possible to achieve an exact wood color/grain match between models. You may also notice
the wood darken over time with exposure to sunlight. Again, this is normal for real wood.
It is also possible dyed veneers such as blue, red, etc., could fade from exposure to sunlight.
This is not covered under the warranty.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Tivoli Audio reserves the right to make product changes without notice
Tivoli Audio, the Tivoli Audio logo and Model One are trademarks of Tivoli Audio, Inc.
Tivoli Audio
Model One
AM/FM mono table radio
One 3" (76.2mm) full-range driver
21.3cm W x 11.4cm H x 13.3cm D (8.375" W x 4.5" H x 5.25" D)
1.86 kg (4.10 lbs)