P r i m i n g
Priming is ALWAYS necessary after the tool has been dismantled and prior to operating. It may also be necessary to restore the full
stroke after considerable use, when the stroke may have been reduced and fasteners are not now being fully placed by one operation
of the trigger.
O i l D e t a i l s
The recommended oil for priming is Hyspin
07992-00006). Please see safety data below.
H y s p i n
V G 3 2 O i l S a f e t y D a t a
First Aid
Wash thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible. Casual contact requires no immediate attention. Short term contact
requires no immediate attention.
Seek medical attention immediately. DO NOT induce vomiting.
Irrigate immediately with water for several minutes. Although NOT a primary irritant, minor irritation may occur following contact.
Flash point 232°C. Not classified as flammable.
Suitable extinguishing media: CO
WASTE DISPOSAL: Through authorised contractor to a licensed site. May be incinerated. Used product may be sent for reclamation.
SPILLAGE: Prevent entry into drains, sewers and water courses. Soak up with absorbent material.
Wear eye protection, impervious gloves (e.g. of PVC) and a plastic apron. Use in well ventilated area.
No special precautions.
P r i m i n g P ro c e d u r e
All operations should be carried out on a clean bench, with clean hands in a clean area.
Care MUST be taken at all times, to ensure that no foreign matter enters the tool, or serious damage may result.
Place tool on its side, Oil Plug 35 side up.
With an Allen key, unscrew Oil Plug 35 and remove with Oil Seal Washer 36.
Fill tool with priming oil rocking gently to expel air.
Replace Oil Seal Washer 36 and Oil Plug 35 and tighten.
You must now bleed the tool. This operation is to ensure air bubbles are eliminated from the oil circuit.
Ensuring oil Bleed Screw 10 is fully tightened unscrew by ONE TURN only, using an Allen key. Connect the tool to the air supply
and depress the Trigger 40.
Wait until oil appears all around Oil Bleed Screw 10 then re-tighten. Wipe excess oil away.
Release the Trigger 40.
Using an Allen key remove Oil Plug 35 and Oil Seal Washer 36.
Top-up with priming oil to reset level. Replace Oil Seal Washer 36 and Oil Plug 35 and fully tighten.
It is necessary to fit the appropriate nose equipment and adjust the tool stroke prior to operating the tool.
Item numbers in bold refer to General Assembly drawings and Parts List (pages 14-15).
VG32 available in 0.5l (part number 07992-00002) or one gallon containers (part number
, dry powder, foam or water fog. DO NOT use water jets.
Ensure that the oil is perfectly clean and free from air bubbles.
The tool must remain on its side throughout the priming sequence