1. Description
The Foamatic unit is used for automatic cleaning via stationary pipe connections in e.g.
production areas, production machinery or difficult‐to‐get‐at places.
The unit is used for laying out of spray or foam detergents and desinfectants as well as
pressure water for rinsing. The time lag and the media of the activity in question are
controlled by the built‐in controller and the internal valves. Combined with the externally
placed area valves, a precise and uniform dosing is achieved.
In addition to automatic cleaning assignments, the Foamatic is available in a design with one or
two pneumatic blocks for manual cleaning. One block makes it possible for the user to work with
one manual outlet when laying out foam detergent and when rinsing with pressure water. The
second block makes it possible to lay out spray or foam desinfection.
A standard Foamatic unit is available with three different injector sizes, producing 150, 300 and
450 L foam per minute respectively, using approx. 7 bar air pressure. However, this requires a
sufficiently large air volume, 200 ‐ 450 l/min.
Furthermore the unit is delivered with one, two or three sections. Each section makes up one
type of detergent or desinfection for spray or foam lay out. All units are delivered with one valve
for water/rinsing.
Table: Foamatic model program
Foamatic Mainstation A1 150
Foamatic Mainstation A1 300
Foamatic Mainstation A1 450
Foamatic Mainstation A2 150
Foamatic Mainstation A2 300
Foamatic Mainstation A2 450
Foamatic Mainstation A3 150
Foamatic Mainstation A3 300
Foamatic Mainstation A3 450
For all versions you may choose one, two or no manual block.
One section with 150 liter injector
One section with 300 liter injector
One section with450 liter injector
Two sections with 150 liter injector
Two sections with 300 liter injector
Two sections with 450 liter injector
Three sections with 150 liter injector
Three sections with 300 liter injector
Three sections with 450 liter injector