Safety instructions
Please comply with the specified ambient conditions for measure-
ment. See Technical data, Page 75.
These instructions are intended to help the user to use cyclotest®
baby safely and efficiently and must be kept with the product and
if necessary passed on.
The unit must be used in accordance with the procedures contained
in these instructions and must not be used for other purposes.
cyclotest® baby is a diagnostic unit for determining the fertile and
infertile days in a woman's cycle and should not be used as a sub-
stitute for contraception methods (e.g. condom). During the fertile
phase you should, if you do not want to get pregnant, use the con-
traception method of your choice.
The simultaneous use of cyclotest® baby and the pill is pointless.
The pill is a contraceptive and renders the use of cyclotest® baby
You are advised not to use the unit during irregular work and sleep
periods (e.g. shift work) and in changeable cycles (e.g. puberty,
illness, cycle lengths over 45 days).
It is essential to ensure correct functioning of cyclotest® baby that
you perform the morning measurements of wake-up temperature
before getting up. You should have slept for at least 5 hours and in
the last hour prior to measurement you should not have got up.