6.5 Exterior maintenance
Painted products may change colour after several years'
usage. The surface should be cleaned and brushed free of
any loose particles before new paint is applied.
7.0 Servicing
Warning! Any unauthorised changes to the product are
illegal! Only original spare parts may be used!
7.1 Service/replacing parts in the burn
NB: Use tools with great care! The vermiculite plates may be
damaged if treated roughly.
Fig. 21
1. Lift the ash retainer (A) up and out.
2. Slide or tap the lower exhaust de ector (B) out of the key
hole (C). Hold it while doing this so that it does not fall
3. Pull the baf es (D) forwards, lift slightly, tilt and lower them
4. Be sure to note the position of the exhaust de ectors (E)
before removing them to ensure that they can be tted
back into exactly the right places. Take hold of the pin (F)
on the underside of the exhaust de ectors. Lift them up
slightly and then sideways before lowering them.
5. Lift the front side burn plates (G) up and out.
6. Take hold of the upper part of the back side burn plates (H) and
turn them in towards the middle of the burn chamber. Then
pull them out.
7. Pull out the back burn plate (I). When tting it back into
place, check that the gasket on the back burn plate is
securely attached.
8. Lift out the riddling grate (J) (can be done rst when it
needs replacing). Make sure that the slot on the riddling
grate is against the bar under the inner bottom plate when
it is tted back into place.
9. Lift and move the inner bottom plate (K) out.
10. Hold the upper air duct (L) up at the front edge while
loosening the screw (M). Use a ratchet with a 13 mm
socket and an extension piece. Tilt the air duct downwards
when the screw is loose. This can also be done after point
6. There are gaskets at both the front and back of the air
duct. Glue new gaskets on before tting it back into place.
11. When re tting, follow the same procedure in reverse order.
7.2 Replacing the side plates
1. Unscrew the screw ( g. 17 A) for the side plate on the top.
2. Unhook the lower part of the side with the screw of the
bracket ( g. 17 B).
3. Install new sides as described in Chapter 4.5.
NB: If the stove has a smoke outlet on the top, the top plate
can be raised to make it easier to get at the screws.
7.3 Replacing glass and gaskets in the
Fig. 22
1. Open the door and unhook the spring (A) from the clip (B).
2. Lift the door off the hinges. Make sure that the washer
under the lower hinge (C) does not get lost.
3. Place the door face down on a soft material.