Faulty Conditions
The indicator light
is not on
Food overcooked
Food undercooked
It is better to start grilling until the temperature reaches about 300 oC (6-8mitutes after
the charcoal ignited). In this way food can be free from smoke pollution.
Before adding alcohol paste or solid alcohol blocks again, make sure the fire is put out
In case that alcohol paste or solid alcohol blocks drips out of the charcoal bowl base, clean
it before igniting.
In case the alcohol paste or solid alcohol blocks ignited accidentally, put out the fire with
wet cloth or by covering something nonflammable. It is dangerous to put out the fire by
waving hands.
Different charcoal has different heat-effect. Traditional wood charcoal can meet the
requirement of grilling. Pure wood charcoal can achieve better heat-effect.
SUS304 discolors when it fired by the high temperature. As a result, components which
directly contact with the fire, like charcoal bowl, charcoal bowl base, oil-receiving tray,
BBQ rack and BBQ plate may discolor after use. It is normal phenomenon not manufac-
ture defect.
It is a household product. It also can be used for cooking food and boiling water when a
pan placed on the s/s rack.
Confirmation Matters
• Is the battery installation correct?
• Does the battery have electricity?
• Did you turn on the switch?
• Are there other objects on the s/s BBQ plate or Aluminum BBQ tray
when cooking?
• Is the temperature too high?
• Do you adjust switch correctly?
• Do you ignite the alcohol paste and charcoal?