5.1 Maintenanc e
Check the wate r suppl y device and th e release often. You shoul d avoi d the conditio n of no water or air enterin g
into system, as this will influenc e unit' s performanc e and reliabilit y. You shoul d clear the pool/sp a filte r regularl y
t o avoi d damag e t o the unit as a result of dirt y or clogge d filte r.
The area around the uni t shoul d b e dr y, clean and well ventilated . Clean th e side heatin g exchanger
regularl y t o maintai n good heat exchange and conserv e energ y .
The operatio n pressure of th e refrigeran t system should only b e serviced b y a certifie d technician .
Check th e power supply and cable connectio n often,.Should the uni t begin to operate abnormall y,
switch it off and contac t th e qualifie d technician .
Discharge all water in the water pump and water system, so that freezing of the water
in the pump or water system does not occur. You should discharge the water at the bottom
of water pump if the unit will not be used for an extended period of time. You should check
the unit thoroughly and fill the system with water fully before using it for the first time
after a prolonged period of no usage.
5.2 Trouble Shooting Guide
Malfunctio n
Water inle t temp.
Sensor failur e
Water outl et temp.
Sensor failur e
Coil sensor
failur e
Ambient sensor failure
Temp . diff erential between
water-i n and water-ou t
is t oo larg e
Anti freezin g
under coolin g mod e
The first class freezin g
protection i n winte r
The second class freezin g
protection i n winte r
High pressure protec t
Low pressure protec t
Flow switch failur e
3times water-i n and
water-out t emp.diffe rece
protectioni n 30 minute s
Communication failur e
Controlle r
The sensor is open
or short circui t
The sensor is open
or short circui t
The sensor is open
or short circui t
The sensor is open
or short circui t
Water flo w volume not
enough,water pressure
difference i s too lo w
Outlet wate r is too lo w
Ambien t or inle t wate r
temp . is to o lo w
Ambien t or inle t wate r
temp . is to o lowe r
Gas System pressure
is too hi gh
Gas System pressure
is too lo w
No water/little water
in water system.
Water flo w rate not
enoug h
LED controlle r and The
PCB connectio n failur e
Resolutio n
Check or change th e sensor
Check or change th e sensor
Check or change th e sensor
Check or change th e sensor
Check th e water flo w volume ,
or system obstruction .
Check th e water flo w volum e
or outlet water temp . sensor
Check t hrough t he high pressure switc h
and th e gas system pressure to judg e whethe r
th e gas loo p is blocked or th e freon is suitable
Check through the low p ressure switch
and th e gas system p ressure t o judg e whethe r
ther e is leakin g or the freo n is not enough;
Check the water flo w volume,
water pump and flo w switch has failed or no t
Check th e water flo w rate, or
water system is jamme d or no t
Check th e wire connectio n