5. Technologies
5.1 Swiss Night Reading Technology
How to read time from watches in dark
environments has been a topic of much research
in the watch industry. Applying luminous paints
to dial and hands - activated first by radium, then
by tritium - has been standard practice since
the First World War but did not really satisfy
the manufacturers. After a quarter-century in
research and development work, BALL Watch Company is proud to present
an innovative Swiss laser technology that is considered the best alternative
available today. It is the self-powered micro gas tube known as H
the watch its excellent dark reading capability in any adverse conditions.
They provide superior night reading capability that is much brighter than
the current tritium-based luminous paints. H
batteries nor to be recharged by an external light source, or the use of a
press-button, and glow continuously for decade. You can read off the time
from the watch quickly and safely in brightest daylight or deepest night
without adapting to the ambient light.
that gives
gas tubes do not require
Gas Tube
Gas Tube
Diagram of gas tube attachment to hands and dial
The H
Swiss technology captures tritium safely in a very stable form,
as a pure gas sealed in a hollow body of mineral glass. Its exterior walls
are coated with a luminescent material, which gives off cold light when
activated by electrons emitted by the tritium. Light production is the same
as in a TV tube, when the electrons of the cathode ray beam hit the screen.
Please note that brightness of the H
time, but can be restored with the replacement of the affected gas tubes.
gas lights will gradually decline over