All the cubic feet (L) measurements in this manual include the displacement of the woofer. For the vented
enclosures the displacement of the port must be calculated and added to the internal volume of the fi nal
Use the outer dimensions of the port and multiply "X x Y x Z", then convert to cubic feet. For example, the
CVT12 Vented Minimum design's external port dimensions are, using 3/4" (1.9cm) MDF:
(12.5" + 1.5" total MDF wall thickness) x
(2.5" + 1.5" total MDF wall thickness) x
(20") x (1 ft
/ 1728 in
Then, add this number to the internal volume of
the enclosure. 1.75 ft
Figure 5.
Due to the necessary length of these ports, you
may want to fold the port along the bottom and
back walls. It will be impractical to use round
ports for these designs.
Do not install a port opening against a solid
surface, such as an internal brace, back-
panel or trunk wall, seat or interior panel of
your vehicle. The port opening must remain
unobstructed. Use the smallest dimension of
the rectangular port as the minimum amount of
space between the port opening and any solid
surface to insure unrestricted airfl ow.
If you prefer an ultra-smooth bass response, you should loosely fi ll your CompVT enclosure with poly-fi l
stuffi ng. Vented designs will require covering the end of the port (located inside the box) with grill cloth,
chicken wire, or expanded metal to prevent the poly-fi l from exiting the port. The use of poly-fi l will slightly
decrease effi ciency, but will deepen and extend the low frequency output.
For more advice on box building, refer to your Authorized KICKER Dealer, or click on the Support tab on
the KICKER homepage, Please e-mail or call Technical Support
at (405) 624-8583 for specifi c or unanswered questions.
Sound Check: Poor bass response? Check the system phasing by reversing the positive and negative
speaker connections on the subwoofer. If the bass improves, then the subwoofer was out of phase in
reference to the rest of the audio system.
Note: All specifi cations and performance fi gures are subject to change. Please visit
for the most current information. To get the best performance from your new KICKER Subwoofer, we
recommend using genuine KICKER Accessories and Wiring. Please allow two weeks of break-in time for
the subwoofer to reach optimum performance.
If mounting in trunk space or other compartments of the vehicle, pay attention to cable lines, trunk
springs, hinges and seat mechanisms that could cause problems with the operation of the vehicle or
stereo system. Carefully lay the stereo system cables; pay attention to seat fasteners and other items that
could harm the cables.
WARNING: KICKER products are capable of producing sound levels that can permanently damage your
hearing! Turning up a system to a level that has audible distortion is more damaging to your ears than listening
to an undistorted system at the same volume level. The threshold of pain is always an indicator that the sound
level is too loud and may permanently damage your hearing. Please use common sense when controlling
) = .65 ft
+ .65 ft
= 2.4 ft
. See
Figure 5