STEP 2 - Top Rail Assembly
(Step 1 and Step 2 ), all of the connect tube need fast together with top "T" frame
and "W" legs tube by 45mm bolts.
STEP 3 - Connect the frame
All of tube will be like Fig.5. Then two people set up the tube the same to Fig 6.
Two people will be necessary at this
point to assemble the trampoline.
One person lifts the Support Assem-
bly from step 1 to a standing (verti-
cal) position and inserts one of the
sockets of the Top Rail with Sockets
(3) into the Vertical Leg Extension
portion of the Support Assembly.
The other person holds the other
end and inserts that portion into the
other Support Assembly as shown.
You should now have 2 Support As-
semblies held together by 2 Top Rail
with sockets