connect the test leads parallel across the resistance to be measured.
- The range is initially in AUTO mode, press the RANGE button to switch to
manual mode.
- When measuring a small resistance, short circuit the test leads and press
the REL key before operation. In this way, the actual resistance will be mea-
- For measurements higher than 1MΩ, it may take a few seconds for the
meter to stabilize. This is normal for high resistance measurements.
- When measuring the resistance of an open circuit, the display will indica-
te 'OL' (overload).
- When measuring resistance, make sure that there is no voltage on the cir-
cuits and that all capacitors are released completely.
4.5. Capacity measurements (
- Connect the black test lead (-) to the COM jack and the red lead (+) to the
VΩHz jack.
- If the LCD does not display '0', press the REL button to clear the reading.
- Select the correct function and range and connect the test leads. Pay
attention to the polarity!
- Measuring capacitance is only possible in the AUTO range.
- When measuring the capacity in a circuit, please make sure there is no vol-
tage on the circuit and that the capacitors are released completely.
- When measuring high capacitance, the LCD might display an instable
- At the 400uF it might take 15 seconds before the display gives a stable
4.6. Frequency measurements (Hz)
- Connect the black test lead (-) to the COM jack and the red test lead (+)
to the VΩHz Jack
- Select the correct function and connect the test leads parallel across the
signal source or the load.
- Press the Hz/duty key to chose between frequency and duty cycle.
Depending on your choice, the display will give the frequency or duty cycle.
- Measuring frequency is only possible in the AUTO mode.
- The measurement is also possible for voltages higher than 1,5Vrms,
although the accuracy is not guaranteed.
- It is advised to use shielded cable to measure a small signal in the presen-
ce of noise.
- In this function, voltages higher than 250VDC or AC peakvalue can damage
the meter.
4.7. Diode and continuity test (