PROMISE Technology
Power On Vess A2200/A2200s
With the power supplies connected, the system can now be powered on.
To power on the Vess A2200 or Vess A2200s, press the Power button in the lower left corner of the front
panel (see figure below). Observe the LEDs on the front panel to make certain the boot up proceeds smoothly
(see "Front Panel LEDs" on page 14).
Figure 18: Vess A2200/A2200s front panel components (left side)
Front Panel LEDs
When boot-up is finished and the Vess A2200/A2200s system is functioning normally:
System Status
Global RAID Status
Global HDD Activity Blinks BLUE to indicate one or more drives are being accessed, remains dark when no
HDD Status
Fan Status
Fan Status
Global RAID Status
HDD Activity
Power button
Lights BLUE to indicate the system is powered on. Blinks BLUE in shutdown mode.
Lights GREEN when healthy, RED if there is a critical problem (LD offline, fan
malfunction, voltage out of range, system temperature alert), blinks RED for HDD high
temperature alert remains dark when not ready.
Lights GREEN when healthy or RED if any RAID volume is offline, ORANGE for critical
state of any logical drive.
drives are being accessed.
One LED for each HDD carrier. Each LED lights GREEN when healthy, RED if the
RAID member is offline or there is a physical disk error, ORANGE indicates the drive is
rebuilding, and a dark LED indicates either no drive is installed or the drive is not
Lights GREEN when healthy, RED indicates a fan in the CPU module is not operating
in normal range, ORANGE indicates the CPU fan module is not present.
One LED for each LAN port. Lights BLUE to indicate a valid link, blinks BLUE to
indicate activity on the port.
Lights GREEN if an OPAS device (USB disk) is detected, RED if the OPAS operation
has failed, blinks GREEN when an OPAS operation is in progress.
RED indicates application running.
Network Link/Activity
HDD Status LEDs