Programming the Timers
The RC200 radio receiver features two independent timers (Timer1 and Tim-
er2) for automatic relay deactivation after a set time delay.
The deactivation time can be brought forward, compared to the timer setting,
by maintaining the "timer" command active for more than 3 seconds or by
giving an "Off" command.
The factory or default settings for the two timers are 1 minute (Timer1) and 10
minutes (Timer2) respectively.
The time settings can be programmed separately for each of the two timers,
from a minimum of 1 second to a maximum of 9 hours. Once the timer has
been programmed, every command associated with it will activate the relay
for the set time interval.
In order to program the timers you need to have a transmitter memorized for
timer control, then follow the steps in the table [G].
Table [G]
Programming the Timers
Press and hold down the transmitter
key associated with control of the timer
you wish to program. The relay will be
activated (On)
Hold the key down, after approx.
3 seconds the relay will be deactivated
Hold down the same key for approx. 10
seconds, until the relay is activated again
(On). The time measuring stage starts at
this point. Release the key
12 – English
"Relay ON"
3s "Relay OFF"
10s "Relay ON"