Récepteur variateur 1-10 V
Switch on brightness under
Minimum brightness
Maximum brightness
Hotel function
Operating hours
Information window
In the Information window, the load can be controlled and the information about the device can
be displays.
Display value
On, Off
Basic setting: Off
1...67 %
Basic setting: 5 %
75...100 %
Basic setting: 100 %
On, Off
Basic setting: Off
Basic setting: Current value
Allows automatic switchon
according to the brightness. If
the parameter is On, then the
light controller switches on au
tomatically when the bright
ness setpoint is greatly under
shot. We recommend only
using the parameter in
connection with the parameter
"Switchoff on brightness over
Note: This parameter is not
yet active, as a light controller
has not yet been implemen
Specifies the minimum set
table brightness.
Note: If parameters or scene
values are set to a level lower
than the minimum brightness,
then the system will dim to mi
nimum brightness.
Specifies the maximum set
table brightness.
Note: If parameters or scene
values are set to a level higher
than the maximum brightness,
then the system will dim to
maximum brightness.
If the hotel function is activa
ted, the system will dim to 20
% brightness when a switch
off command is made. Switch
off is only possible with a for
ced position command.
Note: If the minimum bright
ness is set to greater than 20
%, then the system dims to
the set minimum brightness
when the hotel function is acti
The time is counted during
which the load is physically
switched on (relay contact clo
This parameter can be reset to
"0", for example after exchan
ging the load.
The Reset button is used to
reset the counter to "0". The
device must be programmed
to apply the change.