B2 key assignment
HOLD - function
With every push of the button (shortly) you activate or deactivate the
HOLD function. HOLD means that the current metering value is kept
until the function data hold is deactivated. In the HOLD mode you
cannot switch the metering unit from "lx" to "fc" or vice versa, neit-
her can you turn off the automatic range selection or do a zero
adjustment. By pushing the "HOLD" button while turning on the
device you can deactivate the automatic shut down of the metering
device after it has not been in use for 30 min.
Zero adjustment "CAL"
Besides the initializing phase also the automatic zero adjustment
Is carried out when the luxmeter is turned on. But if the sensible
Light sensor is not covered (CAP), no metering value as
expected will appear after approx. 4 sec but "Err 1" as display for
faulty adjustment. Now there are two possibilities:
1. you cover the light sensor with the included cover, push the but-
ton CAL. or wait approx. 2 to 3 sec: the adjustment is carried out
again (- CAP - => CAL => - - -.- - => 0.00) and afterwards the
metering is released or
2. you turn the luxmeter off and back on again. The automatic
adjustment is started and the metering is released.
If the button is pushed during the metering, the display will show
"0.00" for as long as the button is pushed, and afterwards the cur-
rent metering value is shown again maybe corrected by a zero
C operation position
Always use the luxmeter MS-1500 in a way that you can read LCD
respectively that the digital display points upward.
Doing a metering
For doing a metering you proceed as follows:
1. choose the desired metering unit with the button "fc/lx". "LUX" or
lx is the current metering device in Europe. FC stands for ft-cd =
Foot-Candle, an "old" metering unit, but which is still used in
some English spoken countries. For the conversion the following
is valid: 1 ft-cd = approx. 10,76 lx = 1 lm (Lumen) per square-foot.
2. choose the expected metering range with the button RANGE or
carry out the metering with the automatic range selection. In a
writing or drawing office for example lighting strengths of up to
2000 lx are possible. If in the manual range selection mode "-----
" is shown instead of a metering value, the metering range is
superseded. Then choose the next higher metering range.
3. position/place the metering device, respectively the sensor direc-
tly under the light source and read the lighting strength from the
4. because of the display being 4-3/4 digit a maximum metering
value of 39999 lx can be displayed.
5. by means of the internal sensor in connection with the button
HOLD you can also check the brightness in dark niches, without
reading the value directly from the display: hold the luxmeter into
a certain position, push the HOLD-button read the value under
"normal lighting circumstances". In this way you can also easily
determine the influence of single lighting bodies and their radiati-
on angle at any position. In the following table you will find some
optimum lighting strengths For typical surroundings as something
to go by: