Cleaning: In order to avoid dirt accumulation and dust, please always store the tourniquet
in its packaging. The unit can be cleaned with a damp, soft and lint-free cloth. To disinfect the
tourniquet, a cloth dampened with alcohol can be used.
Warning: No special requirements
Limitation of reuse preparation: No special requirements. It is recommended that the
instruments be reprepared immediately after their use.
Workstation: Remove dirt accumulation on surfaces with a disposable cloth.
Storage and transport: No special requirements.
Cleaning preparation: No special requirements.
Manual cleaning: The concentration of surface disinfectants and/or purifying agents is
itemized in the manufacturer operating instructions.
Automatic cleaning: Cannot be cleaned automatically.
Disinfection: The compression loop and the lock are to be disinfected with helipur for ex-
ample. The concentrations and reaction times given by the manufacturer must be followed.
Maintenance: Defective parts must be sorted out and/or replaced.
Check and performance test: The smooth running of all movable parts (such as set-
screws) must be ensured.