By-Pass in non-defined mode
There are two alarms indicated by two red LEDs on the panel:
Fan alarm: The LED beside the FANS label is flashing. If this alarm is activated, the appli-
ance will switch off for safety reasons. This alarm will be triggered in the following cases:
• Some of the fans have stopped when they should be in operation. This alarm uses a
differential pressure switch in the fans.
• Failed communication with the extractor temperature probe (Tx). In this case, the equip-
ment will stop, as the Tx probe monitors possible formation of frost in the exchanger.
Filter alarm: The LED beside the FILTERS label is flashing. If this alarm is triggered, the
equipment will not stop. This alarm will be triggered in the following cases:
• The filters are dirty and must be replaced. This alarm is based on a differential pressure
switch on each side of the filters.
• Failed communication between temperature probes Te or Tr.
• Connection between the control and the electrical cabinet is faulty.
To prevent the appearance of frost in the exchanger and subsequent damage, when
the temperature of the extracted air (Tx) falls below 1ºC (factory setting), the blower fan
will stop or reduce speed, while the extract fan will work at maximum speed to heat the
exchanger. This situation will continue until the temperature of the extracted air exceeds
3ºC (factory setting).
To see the wiring diagrams, please consult pages 27-29.
By-Pass in winter/summer mode