Kobold MIM Manuel D'instruction page 32

Table des Matières


Description of dosing parameters
Dosing quantity "Value"
Parameter "Value" determines the dosing volume. The volume unit is specified in
the "Unit" parameter.
The maximum size is limited to 9999.9 (one digit after the decimal point). The
absolute quantity can be extended or restricted by a suitable choice of dosing
Dosing unit "Unit"
Parameter "Unit" defines the dosing volume unit. The choices are: mL, L, m3,
galUS, galUK, barrel, user
Dosing correction value "Correction value"
The "Correction value" parameter can be used to correct a system-related,
constant "incorrect dosing" without having to change the actual dosing quantity.
The correction value can be both positive and negative. If the system doses a
smaller volume than intended, the correction value must be positive, but negative
for a larger real volume. e.g.
Dosing quantity = 10 L
Correction value = -1 L
In this case, the metering counter will count from 10 L to '0', but will stop at 1 L
because the quantity to be metered is 9 L calculated on the basis of the
correction value of -1 L.
With a correction value of +1 L, the dosing counter will stop counting at -1 L,
because the dosing amount is calculated to be 11 L.
10 - (- 1 L) = 11 L
The adjustable value of the correction value must always be:
(Value + Correction Value)> 0
If this condition is not met, this will be indicated by a warning message and the
correction value will be preset to the value - (Value-0.1).
Dosing parameter "Timeout"
During the dosing process, the presence of a flow value not equal to 0 is
constantly monitored. For this purpose, the parameter "Timeout" is used to set
the time after which the status message "Time Out" is triggered.
The timeout value can be set between 0.5 and 10 sec.
page 32
MIM K01/0218


Table des Matières

Table des Matières