No pressure should be exerted on the device as this will slow down or stop the mas-
sage and the device could be damaged. Do not stand or lie on the device.
Do not use the device for longer than 30 minutes without stopping.
Do not massage one group of muscles for longer than 15 minutes.
For reasons of hygiene, avoid direct contact of the skin with the device wherever pos-
sible. It should not come into contact with skin that has had cream or oil applied to it.
A tingling sensation/itching during or after the massage is normal due to the circula-
tion-boosting effect.
We recommend that you wait an hour after mealtimes before using the device.
Areas of Application
When this device performs a massage, two massage heads massage the muscles twice.
This is intended to relax them and boost circulation. The device is designed in particular
for use on the upper back area (in particular the neck). But it can also be used to mas-
sage abdominal, buttock and leg muscles.
Neck and shoulders
Operating the Device
1. Connect the mains adapter to the connecting cable on the device.
2. Insert the mains plug into a plug socket that is easily accessible.
3. Place the massage surface of the device onto the part of the body which is to be
massaged (see the "Areas of Application" section). For a shoulder or back massage,
place the straps of the device around your shoulders and fi x them in place by putting
your arms through the loops and thus holding the device in the correct position.
4. Start the massage by pressing the ON/OFF button.
Abdominal muscles