In electric animal fences intended for deterring birds from roos-
ting on buildings, no electric fence wire shall be connected to the
energizer earth electrode. A warning sign shall be fitted to every
point where persons may gain ready access to the conductors.
Where an electric animal fence crosses a public pathway, a non-
electrified gate shall be incorporated in the electric animal fence
at that point or a crossing by means of stiles shall be provided.
At any such crossing, the adjacent electrified wires shall carry
warning signs.
Any part of an electric animal fence that is installed along a
public road or path-way shall be identified at frequent intervals
by warning signs securely fastened to the fence posts or firmly
clamped to the fence wires.
The size of the warning sign shall be at least 100x200 mm
The background colour of both sides of the warning sign shall
be yellow. The inscription on the sign shall be black and shall be
or the substance of "CAUTION: ELECTRIC FENCE".
The inscription shall be indelible, inscribed on both sides of the
warning sign and have a height of at least 25 mm (1").