Granny Käthe's waffles
Ingredients for approx. 10 portions:
425 g flour, 210 g sugar, 200 g butter, 6 eggs, 1
pack vanilla sugar, 1 pack baking powder, 135
ml mineral water
Beat the eggs until creamy, then fold in the su-
gar, baking powder and vanilla sugar.
Melt the butter in a water bath and then mix
in the melted butter. Add the flour and stir the
dough until creamy, adding the water. The dou-
gh should slide off the spoon easily. Add a little
more water if necessary.
Bake the waffles and finally dust with powde-
red sugar or sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles!
Our tip: Granny Lissi´s marble waffles
Prepare the dough as described for "Granny
Käthe's waffles" and place half of the mixture
in a separate bowl. Add about 2 - 3 tsp cocoa
powder to this so that the dough has a darker
colour. Add half the ladle of each of the light
dough and dark dough together in the waffle
maker and cook the waffle.
Aunt Gerda´s apple-cinnamon waffles with hot
Ingredients for approx. 10 portions
562 g flour, 330 g sugar, 450 g butter, 200 sugar,
10 tbsp apple sauce, egg white of 10 eggs,
10 egg yolks, 2
tsp baking powder, 2 1/2 tsp
cinnamon, 1 jar cherries, 1 tbsp starch
Beat the egg whites until creamy. Melt the but-
ter and add to the egg whites together alter-
nating with the sugar and egg yolks. Mix until
creamy. Mix the flour with the baking powder
and cinnamon, and stir into the creamy mix-
Now add the apple sauce and milk. Drain the
cherries using a sieve and keep the juice. Mix
several spoons of cherry juice and the starch
to make a smooth paste. Place the rest of the
juice in a pan, bring to a boil and sweeten to
taste. Add the cherries and thicken using the
cherry juice and starch paste.
Serve the waffles with the hot cherries and en-