So as to avoid inaccuracies in the
measurements taken due to elec-
tro-magnetic interference between
electronic devices, do not use this
appliance near other devices such
as mobile telephones or electromag-
netic appliances. It is advisable to
keep it at least 3.5 meters away from
devices such as mobile phones.
The appliance meets the require-
ments of Regulation EN 60601-1-2
The documentation on electromag-
netic compatibility is available at
This appliance meets the require-
ments of the regulations EN 1060-1
(Noninvasive sphygmomamometers
– Part 1: General requirements) and
EN 1060-3 (Noninvasive sphygmo-
mamometers – Part 3: Supplemen-
tary requirements applicable to elec-
tromagnetic systems for measuring
blood pressure).
This appliance complies with Direc-
tive 93/42/EEC on Medical Devices.