NB: in case of connection of the device in a plug without earth protection or directly
on the electricity network, confide its connection to a qualified person .
c) Use of device :
Elements of command and display
Thermostat (n°3 on picture)
Green pilot light
(n°1 on picture)
Orange pilot light
(n°2 on picture)
Digital timer
(n°4 on picture)
Never use the machine without drip trays (n°5 and 6 on picture).
Putting on
Turn on the thermostat/commutator control knob (n°3 on picture) on the wished po-
sition: the orange pilot light (n°2 on picture) ignites. The machine is warming up.
Once orange pilot light (n°2 on picture) is off, the machine reached the wished tem-
Grease the plates before each cooking.
Preset cooking time
How to use the waffle iron
- Once the waffle iron is preheated, set the thermostat on 250°C with folded top
- Once the orange pilot light is off(after 20-30mn), the waffle iron is
- Open the wafle iron.( Beware of hot plates )
- Grease the moulds with a spray on the bottom and top plates
- Place the specific sticks in each mould of the bottom plate.
- Pour the batter along on the sticks.
- Close the waffle iron.
- Switch on the pre-programmed elctronic timer on 2'30.
- When it's belling, switch off the timer and open the waffle iron.
- 4 gold and crispy waffle are easy to take out.
- Close again the waffle iron to avoid heat loss after use.
- Add some suggar, chocolate, honey, jam etc on the waffle
Caution: if the temperature of cooking is too high, the waffle may stick on the
plates .
Temperature setting
Machine on (pilot light on)
Machine off (pilot light off)
Machine is heating (pilot light on)
Temperature reached (pilot light off)
Cooking time