The Kiev insert model has its safety thermostat at the front, so we must move the door that gives us access
to the hopper (drawing 36). Should it be necessary to prove that the second thermostat is working, remove
the stove from its frame in order to access the bottom part of the hopper (on the right hand side).
The thermostat on the Oslo insert model is located on the right side, just over the grid on the frame.
Safety thermostat with reset.
Safety hooper thermostat.
Safety thermostat with reset.
Safety hooper thermostat.
Loading door for fuel.
Safety thermostat.
6.12. If the reducer motor receives current and rotate slower than usually, it may have something blocked such as
a screw, a piece of wood, etc. To solve this problem, you must empty the hopper and, even if necessary, to
remove the auger screen.
6.13. If when the reducer motor rotates makes a noisy is due to a lack of lubrication- you have to lubricate only the
auger screen, not the reducer motor, see point 5.10.
6.14. Make sure the glass door is well closed.
6.15. Make sure the burn pot is correctly placed, that it is in contact with the resistance tube and the central hole
of the burn pot goes along with this tube.
Drawing 34
Drawing 35
Drawing 36