P u t t i n g i n t o S e r v i c e
O p e r a t i n g P ro c e d u r e
Ensure that the correct nose assembly suitable for the fastener is fitted.
Connect the tool to the air supply.
Insert the fastener stem into the nose of the tool. If using a standard nose assembly, the fastener should remain held in by the
vacuum system.
Bring the tool with the fastener to the application so that the protruding fastener enters squarely into the hole of the application.
Fully actuate the trigger. The tool cycle will broach the fastener and with standard nose assemblies the broken stem will be
projected to the rear of the tool into the collector bottle.
R e m o v a b l e S t e m C o l l e c t o r B o t t l e 7 1 2 1 3 - 0 5 1 0 0
A quarter turn rotation removes or replaces the collector bottle.
Quarter turn to Assemble
Do not use tool when Stem
Collector Bottle is removed
or Remove