Please carefully read and follow all instructions, guidelines and warnings
included in this product manual in order to ensure that you install, use and
maintain the product properly at all times.
By using the product, you hereby confirm that you have read this disclaimer,
all instructions, guidelines and warnings carefully and that you understand
and agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set forth herein.
You agree to use this product only for the intended purpose and application
and in accordance with the instructions, guidelines and warnings as set forth
in this product manual as well as in accordance with all applicable laws and
A failure to read and follow the instructions and warnings set forth herein may
result in an injury to yourself and others, damage to your product or damage
to other property in the vicinity.
Dometic accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred, directly
or indirectly, from the installation, use or maintenance of the product not in
compliance with the instructions and warnings in the product manual.
This product manual, including the instructions, guidelines and warnings,
and related documentation may be subject to changes and updates. For up-
to-date product information, please visit:,
Vous trouverez le manuel
d'utilisation détaillé en
Respectez également les
consignes de sécurité don-
nées dans page 3 à page 4.
Explication des symboles
Consigne de sécurité
signalant une situation dan-
gereuse qui peut entraîner la
mort ou de graves blessures
si elle n'est pas évitée.
Consigne de sécurité
signalant une situation dan-
gereuse qui peut entraîner
des blessures de gravité
moyenne ou légère si elle
n'est pas évitée.
Remarque signalant une
situation qui peut entraîner
des dommages matériels si
elle n'est pas évitée.