use any LGB power supply (trans-
former or power pack, AC or DC)
with the Multi-Train System. How-
ever, the actual number of trains
you can operate depends on the
power output of your power sup-
ply and the power capacity of the
Central Station (5 amps maxi-
mum). We recommend the AC
Transformer, 5 Amp (50110 230
volt, 50111 110 volt).
- a Multi-Train System Central
- a Multi-Train System throttle,
for example, the 55016 Loco
- an LGB locomotive equipped
with a Multi-Train System
decoder. MTS decoders can be
installed in most LGB locos. For
"Installing the Decoder."
- connecting cables. A long
track power cable and a short
cable (to the transformer) are
included with the Multi-Train
System starter pack.
- Remove all diodes from the
track power circuit. For exam-
ple, remove 10151 Reversing
Loop Track Sets from the layout.
Some directional signal blocks
also include diodes that have to
be removed.
Hint: With the 55080 MTS
Reversing Loop Unit, you can
install fully automated reversing
loops on your MTS layout without
complex wiring.
- Set up the Central Station. The
LGB Multi-Train System can be
used with indoor and outdoor
layouts. However, protect the
Central Station from moisture.
Do not install the Central Station
in an unventilated space or near
heat sources.
- Connect the Central Station to
the power supply. Use the
short red/blue cable to connect
the white/black terminals on the
Central Station (marked "Trafo")
to an LGB power supply (AC or
DC output). If you use a trans-
former with AC output, you can
connect either wire to either AC
terminal. If you use a trans-
former or power pack with DC
output, connect the positive DC
terminal ("+" or red terminal) to
the white terminal on the MTS
Central Station. Set the power
pack to the highest speed set-
- If you reverse the connections
for a transformer or power pack
with DC output, the MTS Central
Station does not work. Reverse
the direction on the power pack
or swap the wires connecting
the transformer to the MTS Cen-
tral Station.
- You can use any LGB trans-
former or power pack (with AC
or DC output). The track current
is limited electronically to 5
amps. If your transformer sup-
plies less than 5 amps, the out-
put of your transformer limits
your track current.
- If you need more than 5 amps,
use the 55090 MTS Power
Extender to supply additional
track sections with 5 amps each.
- If you use the 50100/50101
JUMBO Power Pack, set the
starting delay to 0.
- Connect the Central Station to
the tracks. Use the included
long red/blue track power cable
to connect the red/blue termi-
nals on the Central Station
(marked "Gleis") to the tracks.
- WARNING! Do not connect
the LGB Multi-Train System
and a conventional analog
power supply to the same lay-
out. Do not connect more than
one Central Station to the same
layout. Do not use a powered
catenary system together with
the LGB Multi-Train System on
the same layout. Extreme volt-
age peaks can occur: Electric
shock hazard!
- Connect an MTS Throttle to
the Central Station:
- A 55010 MTS Train Mouse or a
55110 MTS Remote Adapter
can be connected to the round
DIN socket at the rear of the
Train Mouse throttles can be
connected using the Y-cables
included with each additional
55010 Train Mouse.