Over 10 Second Protection
If you hold the fire button longer than 10 seconds, the device switches itself off automatically. "OVER 10S PROTECT" will appear on the display.
Low Atomizer Protection
If the resistance of the coil is lower than 0.1 ohm in VW mode or 0.05 ohm in TC or TCR mode, the display shows "ATOMIZER LOW".
Atomizer Protection & No Atomizer
If an voltage surge occurs at the atomizer, the unit will display "ATOMIZER SHORT". The display will read "NO ATOMIZER FOUND" when
there is no atomizer connected.
Temperature Protection
If the temperature of the atomizer coil is above the temperature you set, the device will display "TEMP PROTECT". You can continue to use
the device normally.
Device too hot
When the temperature of the device becomes too hot, the power turns off and the display will read "DEVICE TOO HOT". You will be able to
use the device once it has cooled down.