This paraglider must not:
1) be flown with more than maximum certified total load.
2) have ist trim speed adjusted by changing the lenght of risers or lines.
3) exceed 60 degrees of bank angle.
4) be fitted with auxiliary power unless designed, installed and tested by the factory.
5) be flown in rain or snow.
6) be towed with a tow line tension in excess of 100 kg.
It is your dealer´s responsibility to test fly the paraglider before you receive it. The test flight record of this is on
the last page of this manual. Please be sure that this has been completed by your dealer to prove that he has
done this. Failure to test fly a new paraglider may invalidate any warranty.
Chapter II
1) Select a suitable take-off area determined by wind and terrain, clear of any obstacles that may catch in the
lines or damage the canopy.
2) If your paraglider has been correctly packed, you should take it to the top of the take-off area, and allow the
rolled canopy to unroll itself down the hill (if on a slope). This should leave the paraglider with the bottom surface
facing upwards, the openings at the downwind end of the take-off area, and the harness at the trailing edge at
the upwind side.
3) Unroll the canopy to each side so that the leading edge openings form a semicircular shape, with the trailing
edge drawn together as the centre of the arch. The harness should be drawn away from the canopy until the
suspension lines are just tight.
Chapter III
Preflight Inspection
The SPORT 5 is designed to be as simple as possible to inspect and maintain but a thorough preflight procedure
is mandatory on all aircraft. The following preflight inspection procedure should therefore be carried out before
each flight.
1) Whilst opening out the paraglider check the outside of the canopy for any tears where your paraglider may
have been caught on barbed wire or even have been damaged whilst in its bag.
2) Check that the lines are not twisted or knotted. Divide the suspenion lines into six groups, each group coming
from one riser. By starting from the harness and running towards the canopy remove any tangles or twists in the
lines. Partially inflating the canopy in the wind will help to sort out the lines.
3) It is particularly important that the brakes are clear and free to move. Check the knot which attaches the brake
handles to the brake lines. Several knots should be used here or they may get entangled in the brake pulleys.
Both brakes should be the same length and this can be checked by an assistant holding the upper end of the
brake lines together, whilst the pilot holds the brake handles. The lenght of the brake lines should be such that
Handbuch / Manuel d'utilisation / Owners Manuel - Airwave SPORT 5 – Issue rev 1.2 – 11/2011
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