Measuring horizontal angles
(Fig. 8)
Fig. 8
Hold the instrument in the horizontal position and take a reading on the two points defining
the required angle. The first point corresponds to the zero mark and the second point is read
off in the desired gradation. Results are superior if the clinometer can be supported or placed
on a flat surface. Large angles can be measured by dividing them up into smaller ones with
the aid of clearly defined intermediate points and adding the resultant readings.
Measuring distances
Version 1:
using the distance measuring scale and a 2 m reference staff. An assistant holds
a 2 m staff in the vertical position. The observer holds the clinometer firmly in his hand (not
suspended). He sees the staff by tilting the instrument up or down (depending on whether the
sighting lens is positive or negative), so that it coincides with the zero calibration mark. The
required distance can then be read off with the aid of the distance scale directly in metres on
the other end of the staff.