The Vitapur
Reverse Osmosis System uses a semi-permeable membrane to reduce dissolved salts and
minerals, improving the taste and colour of your water. The RO membrane is made of layers of micron-
thin film wound around a hollow center core. Water molecules are able to pass through the membrane, but
dissolved salts and minerals are rejected. The Vitapur
filter action. Your water supply is pre-filtered to reduce dirt and chlorine that may foul the membrane. The
RO membrane separates the pre-filtered water in Product Water and Reject Water. Incoming water pressure
forces the product water through the membrane and into the storage tank. Dissolved solids and other
contaminants cannot pass through the membrane and are sent to the drain as reject water. When you open
the drinking water faucet, product water is drawn from the storage tank through an activated carbon post-
filter, providing you with pure great-tasting water.
onditions foR
This Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water system has been designed for quick and simple installation and
maintenance. By carefully reading this instruction manual and following the operational guidelines you will
insure a successful installation and reliable operation. Routine maintenance is essential to the longevity and
performance of the system. Carbon and Sediment Filters should be changed every six months to twelve
depending on the quality of the feed water supply.
This RO System uses a TFC-Thin Film composite membrane. To maximize the effectiveness of this system the
water supply should meet the following guideline:
System Pressure
pH range
Maximum TDS level
To obtain maximum effectiveness of your RO System the water has to meet the chemical parameters guidelines
listed in the table below. Otherwise consult your local dealer to reduce these substances in your water.
Chemical Parameters For Thin Film Composite Membrane
Iron (Fe)
Manganese (MN)
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Chlorine (Cl2)
Reverse Osmosis system features 3, 4 and 5 stage
40 to 100 psi (2.79 - 6.89 BAR)
5˚C - 45˚C (41˚F - 113˚F)
3.0 to 11.0
<1000 ppm
< 1.0 net turbidity (NTU)Ω
< 20 gpg
<0.1 mg/L
<0.05 mg/L
0.00 mg/L
0.00 mg/L