General notes
Method notes
Prior to measurement ensure that the sample is suitable for analysis (no major interference)
and does not require any preparation i.e. pH adjustment, filtration etc.
Reagents are designed for use in chemical analysis only and should be kept well out of
the reach of children.
Ensure proper disposal of reagent solutions.
Material Safety Data Sheets: available on request.
Chemical method notes:
The organic material present in the sample is oxidised by a standard amount of a potassium
dichromate oxidising mixture. After oxidation is complete, the excess of this reagent is mea-
sured photometrically.
Samples can be measured if the chloride content does not exceed 1000 mg/l (LR/MR) or
10 000 mg/l (HR).
In exceptional cases, compounds contained in the water cannot be oxidized adequate. This
results in minimum findings, compared with the reference method.
Different methods of sampling, preparation of the sample itself and the time elapsed between
taking the sample and analysis can all affect the obtained results.
MD100_2b 05/2011