Make sure keep one to three more circles of screw threads out of Nylon nut at the end
of the pedals hinge bolts, so as to insure the stability and durability of the elliptical bike.
Insert the hinge bolt through the pedal tube and turn the Hinge bolt vertically to the
crankshaft with spring washer and nylon nut at the same time, for fear that the break-
age of screw thread of nylon nuts and bolts.
Tension adjustment
The assembly of your elliptical is now completed, as you try it for the first time, you should
adjust the tension (#36) to the loosest level, as you exercise, you should adjust the
tension (#36) to a appropriate level slowly before you begin a full workout.
Through tension adjustment, so you can loosen or
tighten the resistance belt (#35) that beneath the
flat beam at top center,the longer friction belt you
adjust, the less resistance while you pedaling.
Reversely, the shorter of friction belt you adjust,
the more resistance while you pedaling.