Instructions for use and warnings
- For precise and safe installation, follow the assembly instructions. If these instructions are not clear, please
contact your dealer or the manufacturer for further information.
The manufacturer and dealer are not responsible for any damage caused to persons or property,
due to a bad installation or usage.
- The product has been tested also under extreme conditions giving good safety and resistance results,
so after a perfect and properly installation, we exclude a priori any malfunction.
Proper Use
The product is used only and exclusively for carriage of
bicycles and no other type of bicycles or tandem or other
things,such as suitcases etc. Do not change nor the
composition of the product and the form.
Limit of use for the user
The person who are not aware about instructions for
use,children and people under the influence of alcohol,
drugs or medicines must not use the bicycle rack.
Before mounting the product is recommended to thoroughly clean the ball of the hook and the jaws, removing any
residues of sand, oil and other dirt; also make sure that there are no noticeable scratches or gouges on the ball,
as this could seriously affect the product's fastening.
Check the lighting of the vehicle and of bike rack before starting each journey.
Periodically check the horizontality of the product and if not, bring it in a horizontal position.
Constantly check, through the rearview mirror, any changes in the bike racks, in case of visible variations stop immediately,
determine the cause and only after removing it, restart the journey.
The load must not protrude for more than 40 cm beyond the outer edge of the exit surface of the rear marker lamps
or parking lights.
Cod. 8505572
Make sure children do not play with the bicycle rack,
as they do not recognize the hazards associated.
speed and manner of driving. Do not exceed a maximum
speed of 130 km/h,moderate speed in bend, on bumps,
in strong windy conditions and on roads with rough surfa-
ces. Pay close attention to any difficult maneuver
(reverse gear, narrow streets, entrance in parking,
entrances in very narrow garages).
PAG. 10 / 13
Safeguard of third parties
The most important thing to be observed is the
Kg 14
Kg 15 X3
Rev.05 16/06/20