Scope Rider RTH
the probe. For example, if a 1 Ω resistor and a 10:1 probe is used, the V/A-
value of the resistor is 1 V/A, the attenuation factor of the probe is 0.1, and the
resulting current probe attenuation is 100 mV/A.
Connecting Test Leads (R&S RTH1002)
The R&S RTH1002 has an integrated digital multimeter (DMM) and test leads for
multimeter measurements.
Figure 4-1: Meter inputs to connect test leads
1. Connect the leads first to the DMM inputs at the top of the instrument, and
then to the DUT.
2. To start meter measurements, press the DMM key.
Accessing the Functionality
The complete functionality is available in the menus and dialogs on the touch-
screen. You can touch the functions directly on the display, or you can use the
wheel to navigate and select. In addition, the most important functions are applied
to the keys on the front panel to set up and perform measurement tasks quickly.
Using the Touchscreen
Using the touchscreen of the R&S RTH is as easy as using your mobile phone.
To open the menu, tap the "Menu" button - that is the R&S logo in the right bot-
tom corner of the display.
Getting Started 1326.1561.02 ─ 05
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Operating the Instrument
Accessing the Functionality