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All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com
Scope Rider RTH
Handheld Digital
Getting Started
1326.1561.02 ─ 05



Sommaire des Matières pour Rohde & Schwarz RTH1004

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® R&S Scope Rider RTH Handheld Digital Oscilloscope Getting Started (=J?Ë2) 1326.1561.02 ─ 05...
  • Page 2 ● R&S ® RTH1002 (1317.5000.K02) ● R&S ® RTH1004 (1317.5000.K04) This manual is available in various languages for download from the R&S RTH product page at www.rohde-schwarz.com/manual/rth. © 2017 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany...
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Basic Safety Instructions Always read through and comply with the following safety instructions! All plants and locations of the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies make every effort to keep the safety standards of our products up to date and to offer our customers the highest possible degree of safety. Our products and the auxiliary equipment they require are designed, built and tested in accordance with the safety standards that apply in each case.
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Basic Safety Instructions Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning Caution ! Hot surface Alternating current (AC) Protective conductor terminal Direct/alternating current (DC/AC) To identify any terminal which is intended for connection to an external conductor for protection against electric shock in case of a fault, or the terminal of a protective earth Earth (Ground)
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Basic Safety Instructions Operating states and operating positions The product may be operated only under the operating conditions and in the positions specified by the manufacturer, without the product's ventilation being obstructed. If the manufacturer's specifications are not observed, this can result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury or death.
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Basic Safety Instructions 6. The product may be operated only from TN/TT supply networks fuse-protected with max. 16 A (higher fuse only after consulting with the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies). 7. Do not insert the plug into sockets that are dusty or dirty. Insert the plug firmly and all the way into the socket provided for this purpose.
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Basic Safety Instructions 2. Before you move or transport the product, read and observe the section titled "Transport". 3. As with all industrially manufactured goods, the use of substances that induce an allergic reaction (allergens) such as nickel cannot be generally excluded.
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Basic Safety Instructions 2. Adjustments, replacement of parts, maintenance and repair may be performed only by electrical experts authorized by Rohde & Schwarz. Only original parts may be used for replacing parts relevant to safety (e.g.
  • Page 9 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Waste disposal/Environmental protection 1. Specially marked equipment has a battery or accumulator that must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal waste, but must be collected separately. It may only be disposed of at a suitable collection point or via a Rohde &...
  • Page 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Se parte del uso correcto del producto para los fines definidos si el producto es utilizado conforme a las indicaciones de la correspondiente documentación del producto y dentro del margen de rendimiento definido (ver hoja de datos, documentación, informaciones de seguridad que siguen).
  • Page 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Símbolo Significado Símbolo Significado Aviso: Cuidado en el manejo de dispositivos Distintivo de la UE para la eliminación por sensibles a la electrostática (ESD) separado de dispositivos eléctricos y electrónicos Más información en la sección "Eliminación/protección del medio ambiente",...
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales 1. Si no se convino de otra manera, es para los productos Rohde & Schwarz válido lo que sigue: como posición de funcionamiento se define por principio la posición con el suelo de la caja para abajo, modo de protección IP 2X, uso solamente en estancias interiores, utilización hasta 2000 m sobre el nivel del mar, transporte hasta 4500 m sobre el nivel del mar.
  • Page 13 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales 6. Solamente está permitido el funcionamiento en redes de alimentación TN/TT aseguradas con fusibles de 16 A como máximo (utilización de fusibles de mayor amperaje solo previa consulta con el grupo de empresas Rohde &...
  • Page 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Funcionamiento 1. El uso del producto requiere instrucciones especiales y una alta concentración durante el manejo. Debe asegurarse que las personas que manejen el producto estén a la altura de los requerimientos necesarios en cuanto a aptitudes físicas, psíquicas y emocionales, ya que de otra manera no se pueden excluir lesiones o daños de objetos.
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales Reparación y mantenimiento 1. El producto solamente debe ser abierto por personal especializado con autorización para ello. Antes de manipular el producto o abrirlo, es obligatorio desconectarlo de la tensión de alimentación, para evitar toda posibilidad de choque eléctrico.
  • Page 16 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad elementales 2. Las asas instaladas en los productos sirven solamente de ayuda para el transporte del producto por personas. Por eso no está permitido utilizar las asas para la sujeción en o sobre medios de transporte como p.
  • Page 17 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Lesen und beachten Sie unbedingt die nachfolgenden Anweisungen und Sicherheitshinweise! Alle Werke und Standorte der Rohde & Schwarz Firmengruppe sind ständig bemüht, den Sicherheitsstandard unserer Produkte auf dem aktuellsten Stand zu halten und unseren Kunden ein höchstmögliches Maß...
  • Page 18 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Symbole und Sicherheitskennzeichnungen Symbol Bedeutung Symbol Bedeutung Achtung, allgemeine Gefahrenstelle EIN-/AUS (Versorgung) Produktdokumentation beachten Vorsicht beim Umgang mit Geräten mit hohem Stand-by-Anzeige Gewicht Gefahr vor elektrischem Schlag Gleichstrom (DC) Warnung vor heißer Oberfläche Wechselstrom (AC) Schutzleiteranschluss Gleichstrom/Wechselstrom (DC/AC)
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Signalworte und ihre Bedeutung Die folgenden Signalworte werden in der Produktdokumentation verwendet, um vor Risiken und Gefahren zu warnen. kennzeichnet eine unmittelbare Gefährdung mit hohem Risiko, die Tod oder schwere Körperverletzung zur Folge haben wird, wenn sie nicht vermieden wird.
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise Elektrische Sicherheit Werden die Hinweise zur elektrischen Sicherheit nicht oder unzureichend beachtet, kann dies elektrischen Schlag, Brand und/oder schwere Verletzungen von Personen, unter Umständen mit Todesfolge, verursachen. 1. Vor jedem Einschalten des Produkts ist sicherzustellen, dass die am Produkt eingestellte Nennspannung und die Netznennspannung des Versorgungsnetzes übereinstimmen.
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 12. Wird ein Produkt ortsfest angeschlossen, ist die Verbindung zwischen dem Schutzleiteranschluss vor Ort und dem Geräteschutzleiter vor jeglicher anderer Verbindung herzustellen. Aufstellung und Anschluss darf nur durch eine Elektrofachkraft erfolgen. 13.
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 5. Bei bestimmten Produkten, z.B. HF-Funkanlagen, können funktionsbedingt erhöhte elektromag- netische Strahlungen auftreten. Unter Berücksichtigung der erhöhten Schutzwürdigkeit des unge- borenen Lebens müssen Schwangere durch geeignete Maßnahmen geschützt werden. Auch Träger von Herzschrittmachern können durch elektromagnetische Strahlungen gefährdet sein.
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 3. Zellen oder Batterien dürfen nicht kurzgeschlossen werden. Zellen oder Batterien dürfen nicht gefahrbringend in einer Schachtel oder in einem Schubfach gelagert werden, wo sie sich gegenseitig kurzschließen oder durch andere leitende Werkstoffe kurzgeschlossen werden können. Eine Zelle oder Batterie darf erst aus ihrer Originalverpackung entnommen werden, wenn sie verwendet werden soll.
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise 3. Werden Produkte oder ihre Bestandteile über den bestimmungsgemäßen Betrieb hinaus mechanisch und/oder thermisch bearbeitet, können ggf. gefährliche Stoffe (schwermetallhaltiger Staub wie z.B. Blei, Beryllium, Nickel) freigesetzt werden. Die Zerlegung des Produkts darf daher nur von speziell geschultem Fachpersonal erfolgen.
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Lisez et respectez impérativement les instructions et consignes de sécurité suivantes Les usines et sites du groupe Rohde & Schwarz veillent à la conformité des produits du groupe avec les normes de sécurité...
  • Page 26 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Symboles et marquages de sécurité Symbole Signification Symbole Signification Avis, source générale de danger MARCHE / ARRET (tension d’alimentation) Se référer à la documentation produit Attention lors de la manipulation d’appareils Indicateur de veille ayant un poids élevé...
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Mots d’alerte et significations Les mots d’alerte suivants sont utilisés dans la documentation produit pour avertir des risques et dangers. Indique une situation dangereuse immédiate qui, si elle n’est pas évitée, comporte un risque élevé...
  • Page 28 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales Sécurité électrique Si les consignes relatives à la sécurité électrique ne sont pas ou sont insuffisamment respectées, il peut s’ensuivre des chocs électriques, des incendies et/ou des blessures graves pouvant éventuellement entraîner la mort.
  • Page 29 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 12. Si un produit est connecté de façon stationnaire, établir avant toute autre connexion le raccordement du conducteur de protection local et du conducteur de protection du produit. L’installation et le raccordement ne peuvent être effectués que par un électricien ou électronicien qualifié.
  • Page 30 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 5. Selon les fonctions, certains produits, tels que des systèmes de radiocommunication RF, peuvent produire des niveaux élevés de rayonnement électromagnétique. Étant donné la vulnérabilité de l’enfant à naître, les femmes enceintes doivent être protégées par des mesures appropriées. Les porteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques peuvent également être menacés par les rayonnements électromagnétiques.
  • Page 31 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 1. Les cellules ne doivent être ni démontées, ni ouvertes, ni réduites en morceaux. 2. Ne jamais exposer les cellules ou batteries à la chaleur ou au feu. Ne pas les stocker dans un endroit où...
  • Page 32 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité fondamentales 2. Au terme de sa durée de vie, un produit ne peut pas être éliminé avec les déchets ménagers normaux, mais doit être collecté séparément. Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG a développé un concept d’élimination des déchets et assume toutes les obligations en matière de reprise et d’élimination, valables pour les fabricants au sein de l’UE.
  • Page 33 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Safety instructions for rechargeable lithium ion batteries Risk of serious personal injury or even death. You must fully observe the following instructions in order to avoid serious personal injury ‒ or even death ‒ due to an explosion and/or fire.
  • Page 34 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Instrucciones de seguridad para baterías recargables de ión litio Posibilidad de lesiones graves que en determinadas circunstancias puede causar la muerte. Tenga en cuenta los siguientes avisos en caso de explosión y/o incendio para impedir lesiones graves en personas que, en determinadas circunstancias, podrían incluso causar la muerte.
  • Page 35 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Sicherheitshinweise für wiederaufladbare Li-Ion-Batterien Mögliche schwere Verletzungen, unter Umständen mit Todesfolge. Beachten Sie die folgenden Hinweise vollständig, um schwere Verletzungen von Personen - unter Umständen mit Todesfolge - durch Explosion und/oder Brand zu verhindern. 1.
  • Page 36 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Consignes de sécurité pour batteries rechargeables lithium-ion Risque de blessures graves pouvant entraîner la mort. Respecter intégralement les consignes ci-dessous afin d'éliminer tout risque de blessures graves voire mortelles par suite d'explosion et/ou d'incendie. 1.
  • Page 37 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com Customer Support Technical support – where and when you need it For quick, expert help with any Rohde & Schwarz equipment, contact one of our Customer Support Centers. A team of highly qualified engineers provides telephone support and will work with you to find a solution to your query on any aspect of the operation, programming or applications of Rohde &...
  • Page 38 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Contents R&S Scope Rider RTH Contents 1 Preface..................5 1.1 Key Features..................5 1.2 Main Specifications................5 1.3 Input Isolation..................9 1.4 Measurement Categories..............10 1.5 Documentation Overview..............12 1.6 Regulatory Information..............13 2 Preparing for Use..............15 2.1 Unpacking the Instrument..............16 2.2 Inserting and Charging the Battery...........17 2.3 Powering On/Off..................19...
  • Page 39 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Contents R&S Scope Rider RTH 4.3.1 Using the Touchscreen................. 30 4.3.2 Using the Navigation Wheel..............32 4.3.3 Using Front Panel Keys................ 36 4.4 Displaying an Unknown Signal............38 4.5 Selecting the Mode................39 4.6 Setting the Date, Time and Language..........40 4.7 Getting Information and Help............
  • Page 40 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Main Specifications Preface Key Features The R&S RTH is the perfect multi-purpose tool for the lab and in the field. Out- standing key features are: ● Full isolation of all channels and interfaces ●...
  • Page 41 ● Analog bandwidth (–3 dB) of oscilloscope channels: – R&S RTH1002 and R&S RTH1004: ≥ 60 MHz – R&S RTH1002 with -B221 option and R&S RTH1004 with -B241 option: ≥ 100 MHz – R&S RTH1002 with -B222 option and R&S RTH1004 with -B242 option: ≥...
  • Page 42 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Main Specifications ● Offset Offset range depends on input sensitivity: – Input sensitivity ≥ 40 V/div: 0 – Input sensitivity ≥ 1 V/div to ≤ 20 V/div: ±200 V –...
  • Page 43 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Main Specifications – Measurements: voltage: DC, AC, AC+DC, resistance, continuity test, diode test, capacitance, temperature (with PT 100 temperature probe), fre- quency, current (with current clamp or shunt) ●...
  • Page 44 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Input Isolation IP rating ● IP51 in line with IEC 60529 Safety compliance ● IEC / EN / DIN EN 61010-1 ● IEC / EN / DIN EN 61010-2-030 ●...
  • Page 45 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Measurement Categories Figure 1-1: Isolation scheme of the R&S RTH The input isolation has several advantages: ● You can measure independently floating signals simultaneously. ● The risk of causing a short circuit while measuring multiple signals is reduced substantially.
  • Page 46 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Measurement Categories For measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to mains, for example, electronics, circuits powered by batteries, and specially protected secondary circuits. This measurement category is also known as CAT I. ●...
  • Page 47 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Documentation Overview Documentation Overview The user documentation for the R&S RTH consists of the following parts: ● Instrument Help The instrument help is part of the instrument's firmware. It offers quick, con- text-sensitive access to the complete information directly on the instrument.
  • Page 48 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Regulatory Information ● Application cards and application notes These documents deal with special applications or background information on particular topics. See www.rohde-schwarz.com/application/rth Regulatory Information Part 15 of the FCC and RSS-210 of IC Rules This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
  • Page 49 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preface R&S Scope Rider RTH Regulatory Information Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices warning (Republic of China/Taiwan) Article 12 ● Without permission granted by the NCC, any company, enterprise, or user is not allowed to change frequency, enhance transmitting power or alter original characteristic as well as performance to a approved low power radio-fre- quency devices.
  • Page 50 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preparing for Use R&S Scope Rider RTH Preparing for Use This section describes the basic steps to be taken when setting up the R&S RTH for the first time. Shock hazard caused by high voltages The instrument must be used in an appropriate manner to prevent electric shock, fire, personal injury, or damage.
  • Page 51 ● Power adapter with cable and adapter set for various socket types ● Battery pack ● R&S RT-ZI10 probes (2x for R&S RTH1002; 4x for R&S RTH1004) ● DMM test leads (only for R&S RTH1002) ● Hand strap, attached on the handheld scope ●...
  • Page 52 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preparing for Use R&S Scope Rider RTH Inserting and Charging the Battery Inserting and Charging the Battery Before you can use the handheld scope for the first time, insert the battery pack and charge it.
  • Page 53 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preparing for Use R&S Scope Rider RTH Inserting and Charging the Battery 1. Turn off the instrument power. Remove power supply, probes, test leads and all other cables. 2. Fold out the tilt stand on the back of the instrument. 3.
  • Page 54 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preparing for Use R&S Scope Rider RTH Using the Tilt Stand Powering On/Off ► Press the POWER key to switch the instrument on or off. The key blinks and turns green after a few seconds. Table 2-1: Colors of the Power key Green Power is on...
  • Page 55 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Preparing for Use R&S Scope Rider RTH EMI Suppression EMI Suppression Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) may affect the measurement results. To suppress generated Electromagnetic Interference: ● Use suitable shielded cables of high quality. For example use double-shielded RF and LAN cables.
  • Page 56 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Instrument Tour R&S Scope Rider RTH Front View Instrument Tour Front View Figure 3-1: Front panel of the R&S RTH1002 1 = Touch display 2 = Waveform setup with AUTOSET, reset to default with PRESET 3 = Analysis functions 4 = Mode selection 5 = Save/Recall...
  • Page 57 12 = Screenshot and documentation output 13 = Channels and vertical settings 14 = Multimeter measurements Figure 3-2: Front panel of the R&S RTH1004 1 = Touch display 2 = Waveform setup with AUTOSET, reset to default with PRESET 3 = Analysis functions...
  • Page 58 The DMM input is fully isolated from scope inputs, interfa- ces, and ground. Figure 3-3: Top view of R&S RTH1002 The R&S RTH1004 has four BNC input connectors CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4. The channel inputs have double channel-to-channel isolation that allows for independ- ent floating measurements at each input.
  • Page 59 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Instrument Tour R&S Scope Rider RTH Top View Shock hazard caused by high voltages To avoid electrical shock and personal injury, and to prevent damage to the instrument or any other products connected to it, observe the following: ●...
  • Page 60 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Instrument Tour R&S Scope Rider RTH Right View Right View 1 = LAN 2 = USB type B for remote control 3 = Probe compensation 4 = USB type A for flash drive 5 = Logic probe connector Risk of injury or instrument damage Always close the lids of the communication ports and DC input when they...
  • Page 61 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Instrument Tour R&S Scope Rider RTH Left View Logic probe connector Input for the logic probe R&S RT-ZL04. Logic analysis requires Mixed Signal Option R&S RTH-B1, which includes the logic probe R&S RT-ZL04. Risk of electrical shock - no CAT rating for MSO measurements The logic probe R&S RT-ZL04 is not rated for any measurement category.
  • Page 62 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Instrument Tour R&S Scope Rider RTH Display Overview Rear View 1 = Tilt stand to fold out 2 = Thread hole M5 3 = Battery compartment Display Overview In the most important modes scope, mask and XY, the display shows the follow- ing information.
  • Page 63 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Instrument Tour R&S Scope Rider RTH Display Overview 1 = Measurement results, depends on the mode and the selected measurement 2 = Time scale (horizontal scale, in s/division) 3 = Trigger type, trigger source, and trigger mode 4 = Capture status 5 = Battery status and AC connectivity for battery charging;...
  • Page 64 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Connecting Probes Operating the Instrument Connecting Probes Shock hazard caused by high voltages Make sure to set the attenuation factor on the instrument according to the probe being used.
  • Page 65 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality the probe. For example, if a 1 Ω resistor and a 10:1 probe is used, the V/A- value of the resistor is 1 V/A, the attenuation factor of the probe is 0.1, and the resulting current probe attenuation is 100 mV/A.
  • Page 66 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality Figure 4-2: Open the menu and select a menu item Figure 4-3: Switch on or off (left) and select a parameter value (right) Getting Started 1326.1561.02 ─...
  • Page 67 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality Figure 4-4: Enter numerical value and unit 4.3.2 Using the Navigation Wheel In addition or alternatively to the touchscreen, you can use the wheel to control the R&S RTH.
  • Page 68 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality Menu navigation The following procedure describes how to access and navigate the menu. Navi- gating dialogs and selecting parameter values works in the same way. See also Figure 4-5.
  • Page 69 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality 2. Turn the wheel until the required value is shown. 3. Press BACK. Figure 4-6: Set numerical value using the wheel Data entry using wheel and keypad You can enter precise numerical values on the keypad.
  • Page 70 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality Figure 4-7: Enter numerical value and unit in the keypad Getting Started 1326.1561.02 ─ 05...
  • Page 71 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Accessing the Functionality The SHIFT button toggles the wheel focus in the keypad. If the focus is on the entry field, turning the wheel changes the value. If the focus is in the lower part, the wheel selects numbers and unit.
  • Page 72 The key lights channel settings. Only If the channel is on but not in focus, the key R&S RTH1004: sets the focus. The key lights up. Only DMM starts or stops the meter measure- Opens or closes the "Meter"...
  • Page 73 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Displaying an Unknown Signal Press shortly Press and hold SIGNAL OFF switches off the focused wave- form. RUN STOP starts and stops the acquisition. SETUP opens or closes the "Trigger" dialog to select the trigger type and adjust the trigger settings.
  • Page 74 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Selecting the Mode Selecting the Mode A mode comprises all settings and functions that are needed to perform a mea- surement task. Selecting the mode is the first setup step. 1.
  • Page 75 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Setting the Date, Time and Language Setting the Date, Time and Language The instrument has a date and time clock. You can adjust the clock to the local time, and you can select the display language.
  • Page 76 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Getting Information and Help Getting Information and Help In most dialogs, graphics explain the meaning of the selected setting. For further information, you can open the help, which provides functional description of the settings with links to the corresponding remote commands, and background infor- mation.
  • Page 77 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Getting Information and Help If you tap the switch or the entry field, you can adjust the setting without clos- ing the help window. To close the help window ►...
  • Page 78 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Getting Information and Help 4.7.2 Using the Help Window The help window has several tabs: ● "View": shows the selected help topic. ● "Contents": contains a table of help contents. ●...
  • Page 79 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Operating the Instrument R&S Scope Rider RTH Getting Information and Help To search the help for a text string 1. Tap the "Search" tab. 2. Tap the entry field on the top. 3.
  • Page 80 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Maintenance R&S Scope Rider RTH Cleaning Maintenance The instrument does not need a periodic maintenance. Only cleaning the instru- ment is essential. The addresses of the Rohde & Schwarz support centers can be found at www.customersupport.rohde-schwarz.com.
  • Page 81 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com ® Maintenance R&S Scope Rider RTH Storing and Packing Data Storage and Security The instrument is delivered with the 4 Gbyte microSD card inserted and ready to use. We recommend that you do not remove the microSD card. All instrument configuration data and user data are stored on the microSD card.

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