Additional Information
It is strongly recommended that this equipment is pre-built in the installers workshop, to
ensure problem free installation at the customers premises
The software version number is displayed for approximately 2 seconds on first power
up e.g.- " VF "
The keyboard should not be connected or disconnected from a "live" working unit, as
this may cause damage to the RS232 components.
Alarm programming menu items appear even if no alarm option is present.
These options are inoperative unless an alarm version has been purchased and is
recognisable by the three green connectors along the bottom edge of the Base Unit.
Priority control between two keyboard system
Keyboard 1. Has priority over keyboard 2. If keyboard 1. Is viewing but not operating any
camera position, then keyboard 2. May move that camera.
After movement commands on keyboard 1. There is an approximate 15 second lock out
period before control is given to keyboard 2.
The Dennard dtx1000/16 can be used in multiples, allowing 32, 48 and 64 camera position
installations. When two or more Dennard dtx1000/16 base units are used an EX-4 is
required to link the Dennard dtx1000/16 Base Units. A keyboard and monitor can be
connected to each Base Unit with a master keyboard and monitor connected via coax to
the EX-4 or the keyboard and monitor can be connected only to the EX-4 unit. there are
several combinations available please contact DEDICATED MICROS for further details.
Dennard DTX1000 Installation Manual
Page. 15