3 Audioassistant of the TKS Communicator
Perform the voice quality test.
Optimize microphone volume
Move the slider to the second line from the left.
Test configuration
Start the configuration test
Finish Audio Assistant
Close the audio assistant and have fun with your Controlpro intercom!
3.1 Troubleshooting
After a few seconds of good intelligibility
on the door unit, the person on the PEAKnx
Panel is suddenly perceived quiet and barely
audible or cut off and hard to hear.
At the door unit, the person at the PEAKnx
Panel is perceived at the correct volume but
with white noise in the background.
At the door unit, the person at the PEAKnx
Panel is perceived too quiet.
All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com
Microphone is amplified too much, see
point 4 Microphone volume. Reduce the mi-
crophone volume slightly (slider to the left)
The wizard amplifies the microphone of
the PEAKnx Panel too much, see point 5
Optimize microphone volume. Reduce the
microphone volume (slider to the left)
The microphone is not amplified enough,
see point 4 Microphone volume. Increase the
microphone volume (slider to the right)