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Liens rapides

This product is Listed by
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Representative samples of this
product have been evaluated
by UL and meet applicable
safety standards.
This product is Listed by
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Representative samples of this
product have been evaluated
by UL and meet applicable
safety standards.
- To reduce the risk of injury to persons:
• Read and understand all the instructions, view the instructional video, review all other accompanying documents, and inspect the
equipment before using the inversion table. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the proper use of this equipment and the
inherent risks of inversion, such as falling on your head or neck, pinching, entrapment, or equipment failure. It is the responsibility of
the owner to ensure that all users of the product are fully informed about the proper use of the equipment and all safety precautions.
• Close supervision is necessary when the inversion table is used near children, or by or near invalids or disabled persons.
• Use the inversion table only for its intended use as described in this manual.
drop or insert any object into any opening.
use or store product outdoors.
use if you are over 6 ft 6 in (198 cm) or over 300 lbs. (136 kg). Structural failure could occur or head/neck may impact the
floor during inversion.
allow children to use this machine.
• Keep children, bystanders, and pets away from machine while in use.
• Keep body parts, hair, loose clothing and jewelry clear of all moving parts.
• The inversion table has no user serviceable parts.
• This product is intended for home use only.
operate equipment while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication that may cause drowsiness or disorientation.
inspect the equipment prior to use. Make sure all fasteners are secure.
replace defective components immediately and/or keep the equipment out of use until repair.
position equipment on a level surface and away from water or ledges that could lead to accidental immersion or falls.
wear securely tied lace-up shoes with a flat sole, such as a normal tennis style shoe.
with securing the Ankle Lock System, such as shoes with thick soles, boots, high-tops or any shoe that extends above the anklebone.
make sure the equipment is properly adjusted to the correct user settings prior to each use.
use aggressive movements, or use weights, elastic bands or any other exercise or stretching device while on the inversion table.
• New users, and users who are physically or mentally compromised, will require the assistance of a partner to ensure they are able to
find the correct balance setting and can return to an upright position unassisted.
• If you feel pain or become light-headed or dizzy while inverting, immediately return to the upright position for recovery and eventual
use the equipment without a licensed physician's approval. Carefully review the following list of medical contraindications for
inversion with your licensed physician: (This is not an exhaustive list, it is intended only for reference)
· Middle ear infection
· Extreme obesity
· Pregnancy
· Hiatal hernia
· Ventral hernia
• Refer to additional warning notices posted on the equipment. If a product label or Owner's Manual should become lost, damaged or
illegible, contact Customer Service for replacement.
This product is Listed by
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Representative samples of this
product have been evaluated
by UL and meet applicable
safety standards.
Inversion Table
This product is Listed by
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Representative samples of this
product have been evaluated
by UL and meet applicable
safety standards.
use in any commercial, rental or institutional setting.
· Glaucoma
· Heart or circulatory disorders
· Retinal detachment
· Spinal injury
· Conjunctivitis
· Cerebral sclerosis
· High blood pressure
· Acutely swollen joints
· Hypertension
· Recent stroke or transient
ischemic attack
use attachments not recommended by the
wear any footwear that could interfere
· Bone weakness (osteoporosis)
· Recent or unhealed fractures
· Medullary pins
· Surgically implanted orthopedic supports
· Use of anticoagulants
(including high doses of aspirin)
EP-1750-M 0611-3



Sommaire des Matières pour Teeter Hang Ups EP-550

  • Page 1 OWNER’S MANUAL This product is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Representative samples of this product have been evaluated by UL and meet applicable EP-550 /EP-650 Inversion Table ™ safety standards. ™ This product is Listed by IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
  • Page 2 BEFORE YOU INVERT make sure that the Roller Hinge Selection Per User Weight inversion table rotates smoothly to the fully inverted position and back, and that all fasteners are secure. Make sure the user settings described below are properly adjusted for your unique needs and body type.
  • Page 3 Securing Your Ankles • Stand with your back to the Table Bed - do not use the inversion table face-down. • Step over the Main Shaft, placing your feet on the floor on either side. To balance yourself, rest only your lower body against the Table Bed as you slide one ankle at a time between the ankle clamps onto the Ankle Comfort Dial.
  • Page 4 Inverting When correctly balanced, the table will rotate in response to simple arm movements. To invert, lift your arms overhead slowly and to return upright, bring your arms back to your sides. Your arms provide the weight needed to rotate the table. (Figure 12). To ensure the inversion table does not rotate too far, too quickly: •...
  • Page 5 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Representative samples of this product have been evaluated by UL and meet applicable safety standards. Table d’inversion EP-550 /EP-650 ™ ™ This product is Listed by Les Etats-Unis et les brevets étranger s’applicuent; Autre étranger brevet en attente.
  • Page 6 Réglage confort pour chevilles: Trouvez votre réglage Le réglage confort pour chevilles de Teeter Hang Ups peut pivoter en position haute ou basse (Figure 4). La différence entre chaque position est de un pouce (2,5 cm). Le réglage que vous choisirez dépendra du type de chaussures que vous portez et de la forme de votre...
  • Page 7 Fixer Vos Chevilles • Placez-vous debout avec votre dos contre le dossier - ne pas utiliser la table d’inversion vers le bas. • Enjambez l’axe principal, et placez vos pieds par terre de chaque côté. Pour trouver votre équilibre, n’appuyez que la partie basse de votre corps contre le dossier tout en glissant une cheville à...
  • Page 8 S’Inverser Lorsque la table est correctement équilibrée, elle pivotera suite à de simples mouvements des bras. Pour vous inverser, levez lentement les bras au-dessus de votre tête, et pour revenir en position debout, ramenez vos bras sur les côtés. Vos bras fournissent le poids nécessaire pour faire pivoter la table.
  • Page 9 This product is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Representative samples of this product have been evaluated by UL and meet applicable Tabla de inversión EP-550 /EP-650 safety standards. ™ ™ Aplican patentes de Estados Unidos y extranjeras; otras patentes extranjeras están pendientes.
  • Page 10 Plataforma Giratoria para los pies: Encuentre su preferencia La plataforma giratoria y confortable para los pies Teeter Hang Ups se puede girar para un ajuste alto o a un ajuste bajo (Figura 4). Hay una pulgada de altura de diferencia entre los ajustes.
  • Page 11 Cómo Asegurar sus Tobillos • Párese dándole la espalda a la cama de la tabla - no use la tabla de inversión viendo hacia abajo. • Pase una pierna sobre la barra principal de modo que sus pies queden sobre el piso y a ambos lados de la barra principal.
  • Page 12 Cómo Asegurar sus Tobillos Si usted tiene el equilibrio adecuado, la tabla girará en respuesta a un simple movimiento de brazos. Para hacer la inversión, levante sus brazos sobre su cabeza de manera muy lenta, y para regresar a la posición derecha, regrese sus brazos hacia sus lados. Sus brazos le dan el peso necesario para poder girar la tabla (Figura 12).

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:
