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Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'n Play Bakery Shop Mode D'emploi page 20


©2013, MEGA Brands Inc.
® & ™ MEGA Brands Inc. Printed in China
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Imagine your story & Build it your way!
Imagine et construis leurs histoires!
¡Imagina tu historia y créala a tu manera!
Denk Dir eine Geschichte aus und baue sie nach deinem
Geschmack! • Bedenk je eigen verhaal & bouw het zoals
jij wil! • Immagina la tua storia ecostruiscila come vuoi!
Imagine a sua história e crie-a a sua maneira!
2 Mini-fashion figures & Fab accessories!
2 Figurines stylées et des accessoires fabuleux !
2 Mini figuras de moda y fabulosos accesorios!
2 Mini-Fashion-Figuren und tolles Zubehör!
2 Mini-modefiguurtjes en prachtigeaccessoires!
2 Mini Personaggi Moda e accessori da Favola!
2 Microfiguras de moda e acessórios fabulosos!
BARBIE and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by,
and used under license from, Mattel, Inc. © 2013 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13-05-03 11:35 AM



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