1. geTTINg STArTeD:
Pull-out the antenna on the remote control all the way to improve signal reception.
Place the ON/OFF switch of the car in the "ON" position (Fig. 1). Put the car on the floor facing
forward. The car is now ready to operate.
1. The signal indicator lights-up as soon
as a button on the remote control is
The package includes a ramp. Put it together and secure it on the floor with tape.
Drive the car forward and press the turbo-button at the
jump-off point: the car jumps over the ramp.
The speed of the car before the jump is the most important factor influencing the quality, height, and length of the jump.
That's why don't forget: full throttle!
Proper accelerating the car will allow it jump nicely over the ramp.
Self-made arched ramps can be used
to demonstrate other special effects of
the car.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Driving the vehicle
2. The car moves forward if the
forward-button is pressed. The car
moves backward if the backward-
button is pressed.
Press forward-button
The car flies forward.
Release the forward-button.
Attention: The jumping-off point on the ramp determines the flight characteristics of the car.
The optimum jumping-off point varies depending on the type of ramp that is used.
Fig. 1
3. The car moves
4. The car moves forward and backward in
forward at the
a right/left curve if the right/left-button
maximum speed
on the remote control is pressed while
if the turbo-button
the car is moving.
is pressed.
release forward-button
The car falls to the floor if the forward-
button is released.
Fig. 2
5. The directional stability of
the car can be corrected
with the wheel alignment
After the car hits the floor
accelerate to continue its
forward motion.