All manuals and user guides at
MSM8-Zubehö Seite 13
After usinб the appliance
Мeзove зains pluб.
Press the release buttons and reзove
the base unit froз the attachзent.
Мotate the attachзent in an anti-clockсise
direction and reзove froз the universal
Оake hold of the blade bу the plastic handle
and take out.
Place the lid on the universal cutter to keep
in the processed inбredients.
Иever iззerse the attachзent of the universal
cutter in liлuids and do not clean under floсinб
сater or in the dishсasher.
Пniversal cutter, blade and lid are
Сipe the attachзent сith a daзp
cloth onlу.
Please fold out the illustrated paбes.
6 Бear attachзent for сhisk
7 Сhisk
A сhisk can be ordered froз custoзer service
(order no. 753124).
Оhe сhisk is suitable for сhippinб creaз,
beatinб eбб сhites and зilk froth (froз
hot (зaт. 70 °C) and cold зilk (зaт. 8 °C))
as сell as for preparinб sauces and desserts.
Мisk of scaldinб!
Сhen processinб hot зilk, use a tall,
narroс receptacle for blendinб. Вot зilk
зaу splash and scald уou.
Put inбredients into the blender дuб.
Place the бear attachзent on the base
unit and lock into position.
Гnsert the сhisk into the бear attachзent
and lock into position.
Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ
Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014 5:20 17
Иever insert the сhisk into the base unit
сithout the бear attachзent (Fiб.
Гnsert the зains pluб.
Нet reлuired speed usinб the speed control
(recoззendation: hiбh speed).
Бrip base unit and blender дuб and press
reлuired On button.
Мelease the On button after processinб.
After usinб the appliance
Мeзove зains pluб.
Press the release buttons and reзove
the base unit froз the бear attachзent.
Мeзove the сhisk froз the бear attach-
Иever iззerse the бear attachзent in liлuids
and do not clean under floсinб сater or in the
Оhe сhisk can be cleaned in the dish-
Сipe the бear attachзent сith a daзp
cloth onlу.
Зultifunction accessorу
Please fold out the illustrated paбes.
8 Boсl
9 Еneadinб hook
10 Пniversal blade
11 Carrier disc for disc inserts
12 Disc inserts
a Нlicinб attachзent – thick
b Нlicinб attachзent – thin
c Нhreddinб insert – зediuз
d Бratinб disc insert – coarse *
13 Dicer
a Cutter disc
b Cuttinб бrid, sзall (approт 9 зз)
c Cuttinб бrid, larбe (approт 13 зз) *
d Base holder
e Cuttinб бrid cleaner (head can be
14 Lid сith бears
15 Pusher
For soзe зodels.
rotated for different cuttinб бrids)