Read and understand all warnings, cau tions and
instructions before operating this equipment. Extreme caution
should be used when operating this equipment as personal
injury and/or property dam age can result from equipment mis-
use. Adequate personal protection is
recom mended to prevent splashing of material on the skin or
in the eyes. ALWAYS disconnect air coupler from pump when
the pump is not being used.
Always perform this procedure when the pump is shut off and
before checking, ser vicing, installing, cleaning or repairing any
part of this system.
Perform the following procedure:
A. Disconnect the air supply to the pump.
B. Point the dispensing valve away from yourself and
C. Open the dispensing valve into an appropriate
container until the pressure is relieved.
If the above procedure does not relieve the pressure, the dis-
pensing valve or hose may be restricted. To relieve the pres-
sure, very slowly loosen the hose end coupling. Then loosen
completely and clear the dispensing valve and/or hose.
Form 404109
Prior to operation or maintenance a visual inspection shall be
made. Check reel system for leaks, worn or missing parts.
Any reel that appears to be damaged in any way, is badly
worn or operates ab normally shall be removed from use until
repairs are made. Contact factory au thorized service center for
If overpressurizing of the equipment is believed to have oc-
curred, contact a fac tory authorized service center for inspec-
ton of the reel.
Annual inspection by a factory author ized service centers
To disassemble, perform ASSEMBLY pro cedures in reverse.
Repair is limited to replacement of listed service parts. Special
procedures and tools are required. Contact Linocln Cus tomer
Service, One Lincoln Way, St. Louis, MO 63120-1578, (314)
679-4200 for your nearest authorized service center.
When ordering replacement parts, list: part number,
description, model number and series letter.
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